domingo, 3 de mayo de 2015

Life is all about that.

what if the day you wanted to be perfect wasn't like that??
There are some times when the unexpected things become expected ones.
Life is all about that.
Life would be boring if it wasn't full of unknown things or moments.The happy moments or the sad ones wouldn't be happy or sad. You woldn't be able to feel what you feel.
So i was thinking, everything was made for us, or we make our own way?
The perfect moment, for the perfect feelings of the perfect person.
We choose our way through decision, each different decision is a different way, and your decision is based on your thoughts in order to choose the right one for you, but what about if you had a different personality? you would probably choose a different way.
So in conclusion you are your life, life is your persinalized highway, you made it based on decision, don't expect life to solve your problems, make an effort if you want to get something, or if you want your dreams come true.
You are you and your decisions are yours.

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