domingo, 10 de mayo de 2015


What would we be without friends?
We can talk about anything with them, enjoy unique moments, trust them, be ourselves. But how to know if we have real friends?
For me there are some types of people:
that person who you can talk with of whatever is on your mind, and your talks can go depper.
You can talk and have fun or never be bored when you are next to them, but you don't really have a deeper relationship.
Are that type of person who you can say hello, or have a short talk ,but you don't really cross that line.
People that you know about their existence but you don't talk or even say hi.
You don't know them, they don't know you. But if you try to talk to the right one, you may find a friend.

So this is the way i see the world through my eyes. Sometimes i get to the point that i don't know who to call friend, but i have the thought that if i try to know better the people that surround me i will find good friends or even best friends.

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