lunes, 27 de julio de 2015

Summer's Favorites

This is my list of what i found fun this summer.
Reading is one of my essentials not only for summer but this are some books i'm reading:
From the Dreamhouse King serie i'm reading the first book called "house of dark shadows" by Robert Liparulo, it is about a mysterious house , it is interesting.
Another book is from the saga of "FAIRYLAND"  and is called"The girl who circumnavigated fairyland in a ship of her own making" by Catherynne M. Valente . It is like alice in wonderland but with more story about the place where she goes.
Then we can't forget music it is essential in my life, i love music, you can check out my spotify profile:
In the relaxing sense i love the jelly bean candles.
I recommend (if you don't know what to watch) : Orphan Black ( is just amazing believe me), Under the Dome ( The title sais all), Skins ( if you haven't seen it).
And that is all the things that have save me from a bored summer.


lunes, 20 de julio de 2015

What if...? --- What Now?

Sometimes we do thing we wish it hadn't had happened , a wrong decision,  a wrong choice , etc. But on those cases the human being used to start thinking WHAT IF I.....? and in that empty space can be placed an infinite amount of thoughts an ideas.
I don't think that it is the right way to think, because the fact is that whatever you have done it is DONE and you can't change that.
Thinking in the endless possibilities that could have happened is not helpping you to change what you have done, doesn't matter if it is right or wrong.
To solve it you must think in the next step, what is at your dispossion so you can deal with it ,and continue whith your worryless life.
Be sure what you are going to do and made this step you must think further, in your next step.

lunes, 13 de julio de 2015


This is one of the gifts that life gives us every day. From going outside to breath fresh air to meeting the love of your life or even bigger things. So this works like this: life give you the chance and you decide to take it or not, as simple as that or...not that simple. There are situations in which you have to sacrifice something, and there is when it turns more complicated. On those cases you have to think what is the best for you, what would open more doors in the future, or simply what for sure will make you happier.
Just choose the best choice for your own.
Don't think in what the others would think or how they are going to react.
The decision is yours. But remember not to think it wrong, just be sure not to cause a big damage without getting a big amount of happiness for you and the ones that surrounds you.
(Just be sure to always do the right thing)

domingo, 5 de julio de 2015


There isn't a person that hasn't made a mistake.All the people say that we are humans and we can make mistakes, but... What for? I always say that everything happens for one reason.
Everyone tell us that mistakes is the way life taught us. There are exam mistakes, or a wrong thought. You have always to be sure that from the mistakes you make you learn something and also be sure that you will not make it again. So don't be disappointed when you make a mistake just think what you have learnt from it.
-Good wishes